Wednesday, September 2, 2009

End of Summer...

I can't believe it's September already. Yikes! Well at least it's still warm out. For the past three weeks at my new job I've been passing a small boutique in the East Village called Elliot Mann and I've been salivating over a handbag in the window. Today I gave in and just bought it. I'm so excited! So tonight Marcus, Jennifer, Caroline, and I are going to check out this cool Met event: we're watching the Barber of Seville opera on a big HD screen. It's free and there's free seating. That should be fun. My in laws left for Sweden yesterday. It was fun seeing them and they really love animals so it makes it a lot easier in terms of having them in our apartment. Gustaf had a lot of fun with them while they were here, and even scored some cat toys out of the whole deal.

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