Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hey I don't care what everyone says about this "holiday" being just a marketing ploy to get people to spend money. I like it. Today Marcus and I had planned to check out some dim sum in Chinatown, then head to the movie theater down in Battery Park City to watch, yes, "Valentine's Day" the movie. So we went down to Jing Fong, the huge dim sum restaurant, and were put on a waiting list that didn't budge...with like 40 other people waiting, we then realized that today was also Chinese New Year's. So we weren't going to eat anytime soon. So we left and ended up in our neighborhood and ate at Odeon. And what a good meal! We shared an omelet and devil food cake pancakes with hazelnut chocolate butter. Holy sh$t that was good! I need to get that recipe! Then we watched the movie, and it was entertaining enough. One of the characters is a florist. I've been telling Marcus the last few months that I've seriously considered working in a florist shop and learning the ropes of flower arranging, and flower selection. So who knows...but back to the movie, Taylor Swift was in the movie and she was so, so irritating. I don't know that much about her, but she really has no business acting at all. So later today Marcus is going to cook us filet mignon for dinner!

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