Thursday, October 16, 2008

Life is Pain, So They Say

Life is pain, according to Buddha...I try to embrace that when things get a little rough. But pain is good---like when you're exercising...of course I don't mean "my knee hurts" pain. Because that's when I have to stop. But you know that achy-ness and good exhaustion you feel after you've done cardio and then some? My legs and abs ached after I worked out today, and it feels great. Since I'm on a less demanding service right now I'm trying to take advantage and work out when I can. Granted this will only last for three weeks, I guess it's better than nothing. Well, this Friday Marcus will be watching another game, so I'll be left to my own I think I'll indulge in a personal favorite, the show "The Starter Wife" starring Debra Messing. I highly recommend it!

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