Thursday, April 15, 2010

Boats N' Laboratories

This past Sunday Marcus and I took the Water Taxi to Brooklyn to check out IKEA. Marcus likes to go there every once in a while to stock up on Swedish groceries. It was a scenic ride, and it was free! I also made some homemade French toast, which was pretty good, although I felt like I need to improve it a little next time. Like maybe soak the toast slices shorter than what's suggested in the recipe. Monday I met up with Tina for lunch at Tiffin Wallah. Good, cheap, vegetarian Indian food. Then I met up with Seren and Terry-a. We ended up at Shake Shack. Yesterday was a jam packed day: first I met up with my friend Amy, who's a laboratory animal medicine resident. She took me on a tour of the couple of facilities she works in. So we checked out buildings in Cornell Medical School and in Sloan Kettering. It was really impressive! Huge facilities with all the bells and whistles. I saw tons of mice, and some zebrafish, monkeys, and a dog. Apparently there are some pigs there usually, too. It was great to see Amy and to get a tour since I honestly don't have that much background in terms of laboratory animal medicine. Then I headed to Brooklyn to meet up with Stephen. We hit up Target, then into Victoria's Secret because I was in desperate need of some cotton underwear. And the ones I usually bought elsewhere were no longer available. So I tried to find some in Target, which didn't work out. So I went to Victoria's Secret because I recently found some decent underwear there. Then we went to this cute little tea place off Union Square called The Adore. I'd recommend it. Click below to see "Marcus Goes to IKEA"!

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