Friday, November 9, 2007

Is It Friday Already?

Wow, this week has flown by. I've been on dermatology, and it's great! Love seeing the nasty skin diseases, the residents are really cool, and I feel like I'm learning a lot...PLUS the hours are beautiful! Today, I didn't even have to come in. Another opportunity to study. I'm also getting my hair cut later today...and I will once again have the predicament of wanting a great, stylish haircut, but not wanting to even do more than comb my hair in terms of maintenance...never a functional combination. Last night I watched a french film about incest and murder. It was alright, and I wouldn't really say I'd recommend it. It's supposedly based on real life events. Tonight I think we're going to watch "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" on DVD. I love the guy from "The King of Queens"! Marcus and I always thought that if our cat Pete was human, he'd be just like him on that show...yes, we do think about these things!

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