Wednesday, November 28, 2007

When's the Weekend...

Today was crazy! I ended up taking on a new patient, this horse that came in on emergency the night before. Sad story. A barn that housed many horses caught on fire. Most died, but two survived and were brought to Cornell. I have one of those horses. It was pretty unstable, had many problems that developed throughout the day. So the internists were tending to her basically all day. As a student on a case, you're supposed to try to be on top of things, obviously help, do treatments and all that. But things were moving so fast, the head veterinarians were just dealing with the changing state of this poor horse. So I felt really out of the loop, not knowing what was happening. Then I still had my other patient, the very sweet Quarter Horse Biko. I really love Biko. He could be my favorite patient of all time! If I ever had a horse, it would have to be a Quarter Horse. Apparently, they tend to be laid back with great temperaments. In looking for an example of a Quarter Horse to show on my blog, I stumbled upon this organization that uses horses as parts of therapy for people with physical, emotional, and cognitive disabilities. Pretty cool. And there are little descriptions of their therapy horses, which are all very cute, especially the Quarter Horses. Anyway, later today, I had an appointment with a cria (baby alpaca) and that seemed to take a really long time. Alpacas are such strange animals...they make very strange sounds too. Phew...long day! But now I'm home, and hopefully it's going to be a quiet one. Time to watch some mindless television.

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